Сегодня я хочу обратиться к EXO-L!
Многие, а точнее практически все фанаты EXO, так называемые EXO-L, объявили забастовку группе, написали письмо в SMEnt. о его исключении, что крайне глупо!
I want to appeal to all #EXOL!
Why did you fall so low?
Chen shared with you the most joyful events of his life, and you spit in his soul.
You say that in this way he betrays you and your love ... But you betray not only Chen, but the whole group!
You forgot that idols are people like us, and they, like us, have the right to a happy life with a loved one, whom they choose. This is his PERSONAL choice with whom to spend his whole life. If you thought that he would choose one of you, then you were mistaken.
He did not choose any of you, because in his heart there was already a man who was very dear to him.
He would not share such news with you if he did not love you, respect or trust you. You turn away from him at the moment when he most of all needs your support! (Soon) his wife, gives him special love, and the fans give him fan's love. You must understand the difference.
Why don't you let idols be happy? Half of you are in a relationship. But idols don't say ' You betray us and we want you to go out from fandom!' DON'T THAT IT'S ANOTHER THING! NO, THIS IS SAME!
If you cannot be happy about the happiness for your favorite idols, then how can you even be called their fans? You are not fans, you are just a bunch of individuals who believe that everyone owes them. You must think about it if you're real EXO-L
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